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follow sb’s example
学习  detail>>
follow the example of
效仿 学习...的榜样, 照...的样子  detail>>
follow a wrong example
搭错车  detail>>
follow the good example of him
照他的样子做  detail>>
follow sb
跟随某人  detail>>
be an example to sb
成为某人的榜样  detail>>
make an example of sb
惩罚以儆他人, 惩一儆百  detail>>
set a good example for sb
为…树立好榜样  detail>>
set an example to sb
为…树立榜样 为某人树立了榜样  detail>>
set sb an example= set an example to sb
为某人树立榜样  detail>>
follow close on sb
继踵  detail>>
follow hard after sb
紧跟着某人  detail>>
follow sb to heel
亦步亦趋地跟着某人  detail>>
follow the lead of sb
效法, 以为榜样  detail>>
secretly follow sb
暗暗跟踪  detail>>
we ought to follow her good example
她是个好榜样我们应当仿效她  detail>>
by example
按示例  detail>>
 n.  1.例证,实例;标本,样本。 2.范例;典型,模范,榜样;例题。 3.先例;儆戒。  短语和例子  ...  detail>>